The Messengers (Y5)

Welcome to the Messengers!

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In the Messengers class, children make the transition from lower key-stage two to upper key-stage two. We focus on developing positive learning behaviours that enable children to maximise their learning opportunities throughout their education. The children will learn how to become more independent and self-sufficient as they begin to mature towards teenage life. 

Children in the Messengers class are taught by Miss Adams and Miss Cheetham, and are very fortunate to have the help and support of Mrs Shephard. Miss Adams will teach the children on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Miss Cheetham will teach the children on Thursday and Friday.  Together, the Year Five team uphold high expectations of learning attitudes and behaviour in order to support, enhance and stretch children’s learning. 

This year in the Messengers class, the children will cover a variety of topics. We will be starting with place value in maths, and then progress to written methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, before moving on to fractions and decimals. In English, we will develop our writing to become more cohesive and include more intricate grammatical features, such as relative clauses, modal verbs and parenthesis using the Talk for Writing approach. 

For a successful home-school partnership, communication is key. Home-school communication is now predominantly through the Class Dojo app and connecting to this is vital. If you need help setting this up, please talk one of the teachers at home time.  

Many thanks 

Miss Cheetham and Miss Adams (Class Teachers) 

email: [email protected] 
