The Prophets (Y6)

Welcome to The Prophets!

In the Prophets class, children prepare themselves for transition to secondary school. This involves Secondary School transition work and the completion of SATs. The children learn independence and the behaviours to take responsibility for their learning. The children in Prophets Class are taught by Mr Needham, and are supported by Miss Thornley, Miss Jackson and Mrs Smith. Mrs Smith teaches the class R.E. Together the team hold high expectations of each individual so they are able to achieve their full potential. This year the Prophets Class will cover a variety of topics. We will be exploring place value and the four operations in maths. In English, the children will develop their writing skills through various text types such as poetry and non-chronological reports. The children will also learn about grammatical features, such as relative clauses and subordinating conjunctions.

The children in Year 6 will complete SATs in English and Maths. These papers include: Reading, SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar), Arithmetic and Problem Solving and Reasoning.

In humanities, we will cover a broad range of topics. In Geography, we focus on map skills, looking at settlements and migration. We will also look at Trade and Natural Resources and the Americas. In History, we focus on The Maya Civilisation, The Ancient Greeks and the impact of the Second World War. In R.E. the children will learn about Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. During Science, the children will learn about Classifying Living Things, Evolution and Inheritance, Light, Electricity and the Titanic. To provide the children with a broad and balanced curriculum, we also teach computing. The children will understand about coding and programming. During Art and D.T. the children will design and create products using a variety of methods and materials. P.S.H.E. focuses upon preparing the children with an understanding of the wider world and relationships. Music will focus on the children learning about rhythm and performance whilst listening to music from different genres.

For P.E. the children will learn a variety of skills and take part in individual and team activities. Each term I will let you know the P.E. days.

If you have any questions throughout this school year, please don’t hesitate to contact me either via email or ClassDojo. I am more than happy to help.

Many thanks,

Mr Needham (Class Teacher)

[email protected]